Who’s Your Greatest Counselor? God? Or Fear?

The Dani Johnson Show – Dani Johnson show

Summary:  <br> <br> <br> What if your wildest dream was actually right in front of you? What if you could actually just reach out and touch it? But instead of embracing it, you're coming up with every reason NOT to go after it. See, many of us believe God doesn't want to bless us with our wildest dreams.<br> <br> We take the Bible and over-spiritualize it and believe that if our dreams aren't "noble" or even small, then they can't possibly be God's plan for us. But in reality, God is saying, "Here it is! This is what you've asked for! It is my good pleasure to give you the kingdom!" We are the ones making up excuses not to go after our dreams.<br> <br> In this episode of The Dani Johnson Show from a recent First Steps To Success event, Dani is helping you unlock blessing and take hold of those dreams. <br> In This Episode You Will Learn:<br> <br> <br> <br> Exactly how the Bible shows you to succeed in every area of your life and why it's way more than a religious book. <br> All the excuses you might be making to ignore what God has for you.<br> How to tell the difference between God's counsel and the voice of fear that is trying to keep you from the life of your dreams.<br> <br> Additional Resources:<br> First Steps To Wealth- Dani's free book that breaks down exactly how she overcame her horrific obstacles and applied a few surprising techniques that took her from broke, homeless cocktail waitress to multi-millionaire entrepreneur, best-selling author, radio host and family woman.<br> <br> Spirit Driven Success- Want more on what God says about success? This book is packed with applicable strategies straight from the best success book ever written to help you thrive in every area of your life. Dani breaks down scripture and lays out how it applies to you today.<br> <br> Thanks for joining us today! If you know someone who could use these same tools, share this post on Facebook, and head over to iTunes to leave a review and let us know what you thought about today's show!<br> <br> (P.S., not an iTunes user? No problem. There are apps for your smart devices called "podcatchers" that allow you to download and listen to podcasts. These apps often notify you when a new episode is available, or automatically download new episodes of podcasts you've subscribed to. For Android, we recommend Pocket Casts. For Android or iOS, check out Acast. And of course, every episode is available right here at DaniJohnson.com!)