Part 2: Manipulated By The Pros And Sick Of It?

The Dani Johnson Show – Dani Johnson show

Summary:  <br> <br> <br> Last week, we gave you a peek behind the curtain of some serious strategizing going on in the offices. Today is a continuation of that conversation as Dani sits down with some of our top leaders inside the company for an amazing conversation about the mission of our company.<br> <br> You'll discover exactly what we believe sets us apart, why we truly believe in your success and also get some real stories about the people inside of our office who advocate for you every single day. <br> <br> Dani is explaining how other companies buy endorsements and create an illusion of success to manipulate people into draining their bank accounts and going further and further into debt desperately seeking solutions that are never actually offered, and how much she wants to pull people out of those systems and put the tools in their hands that will actually help them transform their lives. Enjoy! <br> <br> Additional Resources:<br> First Steps To Wealth- Dani's free book that breaks down exactly how she overcame her horrific obstacles and applied a few surprising techniques that took her from broke, homeless cocktail waitress to multi-millionaire entrepreneur, best-selling author, radio host and family woman.<br> <br> Spirit Driven Success- Want more on what God says about success? This book is packed with applicable strategies straight from the best success book ever written to help you thrive in every area of your life. Dani breaks down scripture and lays out how it applies to you today.<br> <br> Thanks for joining us today! If you know someone who could use these same tools, share this post on Facebook, and head over to iTunes to leave a review and let us know what you thought about today's show!<br> <br> (P.S., not an iTunes user? No problem. There are apps for your smart devices called "podcatchers" that allow you to download and listen to podcasts. These apps often notify you when a new episode is available, or automatically download new episodes of podcasts you've subscribed to. For Android, we recommend Pocket Casts. For Android or iOS, check out Acast. And of course, every episode is available right here at!)