045: What Comes First? Culture or Personality?

Cultural Differences & Cultural Diversity in International Business show

Summary: How Culture and Personality are Intertwined<br> Culture and personality. Where do they fit? How are they mixed together? Is there overlap? Which one dominates?<br> <br> In this short podcast, I'll give you my, non-academic, view on this very interesting topic.<br> <br> I'm curious to hear your feedback, so please do not hesitate to drop me a line.<br> <br> Thank you!<br> <br>  <br> <br> Build Your Cultural Competence<br> In the Culture Matters podcast, we interview real people with real stories.<br> <br> Every other week there is a guest with broad international experience and lots of cultural insights. I interview real people with real stories.<br> <br> To subscribe directly using iTunes or Stitcher, <a href="https://itunes.apple.com/be/podcast/culture-matters-podcast-on/id599525836">Click here</a>, <a href="http://app.stitcher.com/browse/feed/32748/episodes">or here</a> (or click any of the images below).<br> <br> <a href="https://itunes.apple.com/be/podcast/culture-matters-podcast-on/id599525836"></a><a href="http://app.stitcher.com/browse/feed/32748/episodes"></a><br> How To Get In Touch With Culture Matters<br> I'd love for you to get in touch. There are a couple of ways you can do this:<br> <br> * Via this website: Just use the “Ask Your Question” tab on the right of the screen and leave a voicemail<br> * Email me at <a href="mailto:chris.smit@culturematters.com">chris.smit@culturematters.com</a><br> * Send me a Tweet: <a href="http://twitter.com/chrissmit">@chrissmit</a><br> <br> Finally<br> Thank you so much for taking the time to read this far, and to listen to my Podcast.<br> <br> I hope you will be back for the next episode of the Culture Matters Podcast!