Disruptive Leadership - breaking good for great

Growing Big People with PS. show

Summary: <p>For the past few ears I’ve been studying, observing and interviewing leaders and influencers from all walks of life.</p> <p>I’ve been journaling and forging new insight about the kind of Leadership that I believe is already shaping the new world order.</p> <p>The most progressive organisations, business and churches are that because they have DISRUPTIVE leadership at the helm.</p> <p>The dictionary definition of a DISRUPTER is: someone who causes disorder and turmoil, someone who breaks the normal continuance of things.</p> <p><strong>WHO IS THIS EVENT FOR?</strong></p> <p>This event is for anyone who aspires to being a part of disrupting the ‘business as usual’ out of touch organisations that currently dominate our corporate, political, civic and spiritual landscapes.</p> <p><strong>WHAT WILL YOU TAKE AWAY FROM THIS EVENT?</strong></p> <p>Learn the difference between truly disruptive leadership and disruptive LANGUAGE only leaderships.</p> <p>The latter only appear to be open to progressive ideas as a smokescreen to hide their entrenchment to old ideas, systems and cultures.</p> <p><em>Be empowered to discover and liberate your own disruptive leadership gift without being made to feel like a rebellious non team player.</em></p> <p>Leave feeling like you’ve met your tribe and had a life saving blood transfusion that matches your actual disruptive blood type.</p> <p>It’s going to be an intense immersive download and you will leave wanting to <strong>BREAK THE GOOD FOR THE GREAT</strong>.</p> <p><br> For more information visit - <a href="www.paulscanlon.com">paulscanlon.com</a> or email pa@paulscanlon.com</p> <p>Hope to see you at one of these events.</p>