465 Get Yo’Self On Path

BIG Life Devotional | Daily Devotional for Women show

Summary: <br> You and I are on a journey. Our entire lifetime is a journey. We’re never staying the same, everything is always changing. Even when we feel stuck, life is moving on and we’re on a path to somewhere.<br> At the end of the day I like to give myself perspective by asking “Pamela, if you repeated today’s decisions everyday for the next 5 years, where would your life be?” What if you asked yourself that question at the end of this day? Ahhhhh, the gift of perspective to see your own trajectory.<br> The bible talks about trajectory, the direction we’re going. It tells us there are two ways and we should choose wisely. In Deuteronomy 30: 15 God says “I set before you today life and prosperity, death and destruction.” And then God gives us the free will to choose our path in life. He says ‘I have given you life, I have great plans for you, but you choose for yourself how you want to live.’<br> I know personally I’ve chosen wrong a few times. Sometimes out of defiance, but typically out of habit. Somewhere along the way I just stopped thinking about why I do what I do and I created a rut. I repeated the same actions over and over again, never stopping to question where my actions were taking me. The thing about a rut is, it’s hard to see where you’re going. As you dig in deeper with repeated actions, you go a little deeper, things get a little darker, and you no longer have a vision for where you’re going.<br> My ruts were once financial ruts. I became accustom to buying it because I wanted it, certain I would somehow magically have the money to pay for it at some future date when life all worked out. My ruts were my health as I grew lazy and didn’t take the medication the doctor said would save my life. I played Russian roulette with my own future and hid it from everyone. My ruts were my self confidence as I ate another doughnut, drank another diet coke, and snuck the brownies in the closet. I felt like crap, one because I was eating like crap, but two because I couldn’t stand the person I saw in the mirror.<br> Ruts come in all forms. They are grooves we wear that rob us of our vision. We dig in deeper, life grows darker and we just keep doing the same old thing because it’s what is easy and familiar. Ruts look like habits that wreck havoc in our lives, while they seduce us into believing just one more time it’s okay. Ruts look like shame, guilt and regret as we feel powerless to change directions.<br> Down here in the ruts of life is where the enemy works on our mind. He convinces us we will never change. He tells us there’s nothing more for us. He taunts you with reminders of your shortcomings and wrong choices as if you’re broken and incapable of a different direction. But I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again, the devil is a liar from hell. Why are you entertaining his lies? Why are you allowing your mind to be filled with his nonsense? Understand where that guilt and shame comes from, that’s straight from hell and your ruts are just digging you closer to it.<br> God has set before you today a choice; life or death. Prosperity or destruction. The enemy is rooting hard for destruction, but please know that the creator of the universe, the Lord of Lords, God almighty is personally rooting for your prosperity. He’s leaning in and watching you close, just hoping today you choose the right path. He’s been desperately waiting to guide you out of that rut and onto the path that leads you to the life he created you for, but you first have to choose it. God’s not into magically teleporting you onto the right path. Nope, but he sure is into guiding the seeking soul out of a rut and onto the right path.<br> God doesn’t wipe away our financial debt the moment we want out of it. He doesn’t make that extra 50 pounds just disappear.