The 5-Year Plan To Become A Bestselling Novelist. Guaranteed.

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Summary: Do you have “the dream”? If you love writing fiction, you don’t need to tell me “the dream” is to get published and hit the bestseller list. I know that’s it; I get it. I’ve been there.<br> The dream hit me at 11 years old and it refused to leave. My mom gave my sister and me The Chronicles of Narnia for Christmas. I devoured the books. When I finished, I knew I wanted to someday try to do for others, what C.S. Lewis had done for me.<br> How old were you when the dream came alive? How long have you struggled to make the dream come true? Me? Years. Many, many years.<br> The Dream Came True<br> I’d love to tell you I hit the bestseller list without much work, and with a minimal investment of time. But it’s not the truth. It took a significant amount of work and a significant amount of time.<br> But now I know exactly how to do it. So I can <a href="">teach you</a>. And save you a ton of headaches, false starts, frustration, and TIME. It’s one of the reasons for creating this course. To shorten (significantly) the amount of time you have to put in before hitting the bestseller list.<br>  <br> <br> It Gets Even Better<br> It’s not just me. My friend Thomas Umstattd Jr and I have joined forces. Thomas (one of the brightest men I know) has worked with hundreds of bestselling authors and learned precisely what they did, and what they would have done differently if they were starting out today.<br> We’ve combined everything we’ve learned about becoming a bestselling author, and with that info, created <a href="">a guide</a>  we guarantee will make you hit the bestseller list.<br>  <br> <br>  <br> Find out more, here. The cost? If you’re okay with having one less cup of coffee a year for the next five years, you’ve paid for the course.<br> Yes, we’re asking you have one less visit to Starbucks, each year in exchange for becoming a bestselling author.<br> We think that’s a good trade. We hope you do as well.<br> Go <a href="">here </a>now to sign up.<br> To you and your dream, may it come true to a great degree than you ever imagined.<br> <br> PS Is our <a href="">course </a>easy? No. Will it work? Guaranteed or your money back. Looking forward to seeing you there.<br>  <br>