THE RAGGED EDGE RADIO ....with Russ Dizdar show

Summary: From a report.. .''across the United States members of Satanic Covens are secretly meeting.1 They also meet on the many Satanic special days. (See the list of their sacred days and the blood sacrifices that they carry out on those days.) An ex-Illuminati member estimates that over 300,000 covens exist in the United States each having 13 or more members. A Black Prince (Black Satanic Magician) estimated 40,000 to 60,000 satanic human sacrifices occur in the U.S. yearly. This Author had the privilege to talk to someone who had an accidental rare encounter with Satanists in Kansas City and managed to successfully flee to live and tell about it. Having been a West Point cadet, it especially caught my attention when the West Point Day Care Center was accused of being involved in the ritual abuse of 30 children. The officer requesting an investigation into his 2 1/2 year old daughter's abuse was told to resign his commission. (This is no surprise in several ways.) Many dozens of day care centers in California are investigated each year for subjecting the children left in their care to Satanic Ritual Abuse. In Los Angeles County 800 allegations of ritual abuse involving 64 schools and preschools and 27 neighborhoods were reported. download old manual here