The Spunky Seamen of "The Lighthouse"

Eat Your Veggies show

Summary: Leashes and excretions, hark! This week, we're singing our siren song and blearing our foghorn with "The Lighthouse," a mystical sea yarn by Robert Eggers. Willem Dafoe and Robert Pattinson are lighthouse keepers marooned by a storm. Ghosts of the past and a mesmerizing lamp seduce the men into murky waters. We unveil our final decisions on Halloween costumes, and attend an Eckhaus Latta walk-off. Then, a pop culture tête-á-tête. Is the new Star Wars an artistic letdown, or fun, soulless entertainment? Who's watching us watch the Watchmen? Are we team Marvel or team Scorsese? And at long, long last: are we actually dating? Last Bites include the Impossible Burger, Kristen Stewart on Vanity Fair, Friends, Anna Glantz at Foxy Production, and sandbag houses. Also on the table: Billy Elliot, We The Animals, Call Me By Your Name, Spring Breakers, Mad Men, Emily Nussbaum, Breaking Bad, The Wire, Succession, The Simpsons, and more.