6 Ways to Stick to Your Goals and Be Even More Successful

Wheel of Life Podcast: Business|Productivity|Accountability show

Summary: Sticking to your goals is not always easy, especially if the next level of success is at stake. It can be very tempting to give up and stay where you are because the next level requires a lot more work… but this is not what you really want for yourself! Part of setting worthwhile goals and sticking to them is that this process allows you to grow as a person. If you give up and go back to the way you were before, then you are not going to have the peace of mind and confidence that comes from KNOWING that you can achieve your goals when you set your mind to it! Maybe your goals are business related, or maybe they are personal. Regardless of what they are, they MUST be important to you…so why give up on them? Life is what you make of it, and achieving goals is one way to shape your life on YOUR terms. Goals are something that nobody can take from you, which is why sticking to them is SO important! “To be successful in any sort of endeavor, you must have a definite goal. You must have definite plans for attaining this goal. Nothing is ever accomplished that is worthwhile without a definite plan of procedure that is systematically and continuously followed out day by day.” – Napoleon Hill So, let’s explore the 6 tips for sticking to your goals. These tips are simple to understand, but they can help you with even the most complex goals that might be on your list! 1… Find a Solution The first key to sticking with your goals is to find a solution whenever a problem or an obstacle presents itself. It can be very tempting to give up when faced with obstacles, so what you NEED to remember is that obstacles are a part of life. You are never going to have a goal that does not lead you through some challenges before you see it through. Having the strength of mind that it takes to find a solution, regardless of how big the problem is, is exactly what you need if you want to stay focused and not give up. 2… Anticipate Problems Try to think ahead to problems that could arise as you pursue your goals. Getting blindsided by a problem is always worse than dealing with a problem that you saw coming, which is why learning to anticipate is going to be very helpful if you want to avoid the discouragement that comes from being pelted with problems that appeared out of nowhere. Learn to look ahead and plan for potential growing pains that may or may not come your way. 3… Learn from Mistakes and Failures When you encounter setbacks, failures, or mistakes as you work towards your goals, it can be very easy to entertain the thought of giving up. Remember, however, that this should never be an option for you! Setbacks and mistakes are GOING to happen. What is important is that you view them as learning opportunities instead of as problems. In a way, every setback or failure can teach you something. Remember to look for LESSONS when you face problems instead of discouragement. By keeping this in mind, you will learn that problems and challenges are a natural part of learning and sticking to your goals. "Persistent people begin their success where others end in failure." - Edward Eggleston 4… Recognize That Setbacks WILL Happen A lot of people get discouraged when they face actual setbacks. Setbacks can seem like a huge waste of time, but it is important to remember that NO plan is going to be absolutely perfect. Even if your plan is as perfect as it can be, it is STILL subject to life and unexpected things that happen on a daily basis. When you do face setbacks and feel as if you have moved backwards, remember that sticking to goals involves a ‘two steps forward, one step back’ mentality. Remember that making overall forward progress is what you are looking for. Getting discouraged by a bit of backsliding is not going to do you any good, so focus on what it is going to take to catch up, and don’t count these instances against yourself. 5… Remember to be Flexible No plan is going to go exactly as you wanted it to, so it is important to remem