#152: How Does Islam Differ from Christianity?

Saving Grace show

Summary: (Guest: Al Fadi) Do Christians and Muslims worship the same God? Is Islam a religion of peace? How does the Kingdom of God differ from the Islamic State? These questions and more will be addressed today to help equip you to defend your faith in conversations with Muslim friends. With us to answer these questions is Al Fadi, a former Wahabbi Muslim, and founder of CIRA International: Center for Islamic Research and Awareness.<br> Al Fadi is a former Wahabbi Muslim from Saudi Arabia.  He is the researcher, editor, writer and translator for numerous ministries, including  “Answering Islam.”<br> Questions:<br> We look forward to interacting with you and the opportunity to address your questions on the podcast. <a href="mailto:savinggrace@gsot.edu">Email your questions</a> to savinggrace[at]gsot.edu.<br> Stay Connected:<br><br> You can also reach out to us on <a href="https://twitter.com/savinggracecast">Twitter @savinggracecast</a> and like <a href="https://www.facebook.com/graceschooloftheology/">Grace School of Theology’s Facebook page</a>. These are great ways to stay up to date with news related to the podcast.<br>