Felt Needs and Coloring Books: On Christian Best-Sellers

The City of God Podcast show

Summary: <div><img width="1024" height="684" src="https://s3.amazonaws.com/cpt-mediafolder/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/26124326/lzctgpjyge-gaelle-marcel1-1024x684.jpg" class="attachment-large size-large wp-post-image" alt="" style="margin-bottom: 15px;"></div><p>What’s the last best seller you read?<span id="more-614"></span></p> <p>Something is taking place in evangelicalism when coloring books are on the best seller’s list. Today we are tempted to read fluff but Christians need to know that reading is integral to godliness. We don’t wake up more godly because we slept for 7-8 hours. What brings true rest is the word of God. There is no way to grow as a believer outside of reading, meditating on, and living out the Bible. In our daily lives as believers there isn’t going to be much growth without the Scriptures.</p> <p>Outside of the Scriptures, books on theology and spirituality are what will draw us closer to God. But how do you become  a reader? Here’s the key: set yourself reasonable, attainable goals. Try to read one book a month, twenty minutes a day. Pick something rich and challenging. The way to become a reader is to read. To become a reader is to become a thinker. To become a thinker as a believer is to give God much glory.</p>