Fake News and Good News

The City of God Podcast show

Summary: <div><img width="1024" height="669" src="https://s3.amazonaws.com/cpt-mediafolder/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/26124311/newspaper1-1024x669.jpg" class="attachment-large size-large wp-post-image" alt="" style="margin-bottom: 15px;"></div><p>Here’s something that’s almost old now: fake news.<span id="more-633"></span></p> <p>Fake news is a scourge and is causing people to not trust sources; it is undermining the political sphere. As believers, we oppose falsehood wherever it is found; we love the truth. All truth is God’s truth. But we are in a world of lies. Postmodernism argues that there is no truth and has convinced many people to be skeptical to all narratives. We have a lot to deal with as believers when it comes to fake news.</p> <p>The original fake news is abortion. We have been accustomed to approach abortion as if it is a valid initiative related to recycling, We have been trained to think of abortion of a choice. A majority of young people understand that abortion is murder; it is wrong. We have to recognize that we are in a culture that has allowed the rise of different idealogies to be presented as something that is positively but in truth we are embracing something profoundly negative as a culture.</p> <p>Christians have something better to offer; we have the gospel, the good news.</p>