Education to Vouch for: Betsy DeVos and School Choice

The City of God Podcast show

Summary: <p>“Our desire is to strengthen the next generation, to love our own children, and to do what we can to help our neighbor. “<span id="more-727"></span></p> <p>Recently America found itself in a debate: how much can we as a society invest in charter schools and charter education? We had this conversation because of now confirmed Education Secretary Betsy DeVos.</p> <p>While the church does not need to say that there is one biblical position as it regards schools. We do need to recognize that all of us have a stake in the education conversation. We should want the next generation to be well-educated. We can say that we want the next generation to be well-taught and well-trained. Charter schools are not a partisan issue; all peoples can support charter schools.</p> <p>This isn’t about trying to destroy public schools. We do not need to have public schools as our target. We can note that it is very tempting in our age that we don’t have to have centralized planning for our lives to click. We have to be careful as believers that Caesar is our world savior; we want to avoid thinking that Caesar can save us. Christians have to be those who invest in training the next generation. We cannot say that we are going to hand education over to others. We first train our own children and then we want the children of our neighbors’ children to do well.</p> <p>There is not only one right way as it regards education. Our desire is to strengthen the next generation, to love our own children, and to do what we can to help our neighbor.</p> <p><a href="">The DeVos Apocalypse</a> by Daniel Henninger</p>