Why Moms Shape the World: On Reading and Faith

The City of God Podcast show

Summary: <p>“Biblical motherhood involves work that is challenging but is always seen and highly esteemed by God.”<span id="more-732"></span></p> <p>When mother reads aloud the world is changed, at least a little at a time. There is much beauty in on-the-ground motherhood. Motherhood can be seen as a drag by not allowing them to use their gifts. But it is a remarkable thing when a mother gives herself to train her children. For many years, moms have the opportunity, the joyful delight of  investing in their children and doing the little things. In some ways, these are the good things of life. We need to note that the Christian faith teaches us that much of our lives is spent in anonymous work.</p> <p>Our lives won’t look like a spiritual highlight reel. So much of our life will look plain, simple, and tough. Raising children, for stay at home mothers, will be tough. Motherhood isn’t an easy calling; it is a far more difficult calling then many of the other vocations that are celebrated in our society. We need a recovery of biblical motherhood. We need to free women to see that it is a beautiful for a woman to invest her gifts, talents, and abilities in raising children. There is ordinary glory to be harvested for God. People need to hear that their daily work matters. Biblical motherhood involves work that is challenging but is always seen and highly esteemed by God.</p> <p><a href="http://out-of-theordinary.blogspot.com/2017/02/when-mother-reads-aloud.html">When Mother Reads Aloud</a> by Kim Shay</p>