All Things From One Thing: The Christian Worldview

The City of God Podcast show

Summary: <blockquote><p>When you know one thing, you understand all things.</p></blockquote> <p><span id="more-979"></span></p> <p>The Christian worldview is not fundamentally about politics. It is fundamentally about biblical truth, not political takeover. The Christian worldview does seek to make sense of all of life but this isn’t unique to the Christian worldview. All worldviews seek to understand life. The Christian worldview is trying to make sense of the world that we’re in. Christianity is one of many competitors in the intellectual marketplace that offers a system of thought to answer questions. You can’t say that you merely trust science; science doesn’t provide philosophically presumptions of the world. The Christian worldview helps us appreciate that there is one truth that makes sense of everything. When we know Jesus Christ as our savior everything begins to make sense. When you know one thing, you understand all things.</p> <p id="headline" class="headline"><a href="">The Evangelical Roots of Our Post-Truth Society</a> by Molly Worthen</p>