BONUS: Are you #teachertired? 3 ways to get more sleep this term + leave me a voicemail!

Teacher Wellbeing show

Summary: Recently on the Teachers Thriving Lounge Facebook Group, Trudy from and I spent a good 45 minutes discussing the very important but under-researched topic of teacher sleep, and some strategies you can use to help you get a good night's rest. As Trudy says, "Sleep is the sleeper topic for educators. No-one really is talking about it but it is a big issue." So we know it's a huge problem, but what can you do about it? Well, the bad news is that there are no overnight solutions (pun very much intended!), but the good news is there is a lot you can do to reclaim your sleep and take control of your rest. All you need is your phone or computer and you can leave me a voicemail. You can ask me a question, make a comment about any past episodes, or suggest a topic for a future episode. However, what I'd really love is for you to answer the question below for a special project I'm working on for Season 6 of the podcast. In 3 minutes or less, answer the following question: Thinking back on your first year of teaching, what did you learn about staying healthy and cultivating wellbeing as a person and as a teacher? Put another way, what advice would you give your first-year teacher self about staying healthy and cultivating wellbeing as a teacher? There are a few more instructions on the website which I recommend reading before you do so. I'd love for you to share your lessons and wisdom with listeners of the Teacher Wellbeing Podcast! Leave me a voicemail here: