#39 「お引越し」

Kyotopia show

Summary: We are back after a long hiatus. So many changes these past few months have kept me too occupied to produce an content. Many apologies but I am pleased to say we are back with new episodes and new guests coming soon. Today Nobu is back and we had a little chat about what you can expect when moving in Japan. 礼金、敷金、面倒くさいことばかり!It is very expensive and complicated moving here and as someone who has done it more that 5 times I am happy to endow others with my へたれwisdom and mistakes I have made in the past. So sorry about the lack of audio quality as everything was done using my phone for this episode. Look forward for audio improvements in future episodes! Don't forget to like and share! Love yuhs! iTunes: tiny.cc/33ay9y Soundcloud: @hgpodcast Youtube Channel: tiny.cc/0gby9y twitter: https://twitter.com/bananafishyt