A Butterfly Flaps its Wings in Saudi Arabia...

ReConsider show

Summary: …and hurricanes pop up throughout the Middle East. How does a tiny US deployment in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia affect the geopolitical outlook of nations throughout the Middle East and the world? The world’s a complicated place, and small moves can have ramifications for many years to come. Today, we look at the possible ramifications of a US deployment of troops to Saudi Arabia could play out. <br><br><p>Support this show <a target="_blank" rel="payment" href="http://supporter.acast.com/reconsiderpodcast">http://supporter.acast.com/reconsiderpodcast</a>.</p>  <br><hr><p style="color: grey;">See <a style="color: grey;" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://acast.com/privacy">acast.com/privacy</a> for privacy and opt-out information.</p>