Partners of Sex and Porn Addicts Get Triggered Too - Interview With Sandra Joy

Sex Afflictions & Porn Addictions with Craig Perra (sex addiction, porn addiction, sexual health) show

Summary: Partners of sex &amp; porn addicts get triggered too. In this powerful interview with Licensed Therapist Sandra Joy, Craig Perra of <a href="" rel="noopener"></a> and Sandy discuss how partners, like their sex addicted husbands, get triggered too, just in a different way. <br><br>Partners of Sex Addicts and Porn Addicts need help to manage these triggers. They are stuck in a habit loop of reactions and their triggers drive potentially negative physiological reactions like sickness and physical pain - and it obviously contributes to mental suffering.<br><br>Partners must learn how to manage their triggers if they are going to grow and thrive ... and not stay stuck living in reaction to the past. <br><br>Triggers aren't going away but will fade and diminish as time goes by AND if the partner is tending to her wounds in a proactive way.<br><br>Betrayal Trauma is a real thing and it needs to be treated in a healthy constructive way. <br><br>To learn more about getting help in our Partner of Sex &amp; Porn Addict Power Empowerment Group visit <a href="" rel="noopener"></a>