The Selection Process: Picking A Perfect Mate

Bar Talk With Jay show

Summary: When we talk about the objective of dating, it is usually in order to find a mate or someone you are most compatible with. Some may say they are not looking, just dating. This may be a conscious decision not to find yourself in a serious situation but really you are still discovering your preferences in a mate finding new things about yourself. <br><br>The selection process is multifaceted. You have your criteria that define some general rules on what your preferences are. There is also the act of defining your dating pool or where will you be looking to date. Some prefer the club, some prefer church and the internet seems to be what’s hot in the street. <br><br>There are some outside influences as well, we like to call this the “selection committee” These are the people you trust the most to help discern between what’s good at the moment vs. what’s good for you long term. This committee is mostly made up of immediate family, close friends and relatives, and maybe even a wise coworker or two. That last one goes double for you in interoffice exchanges. <br><br>While these cover some basics of selection there are many factors that will determine your success in the ability to find great mate versus spinning your wheels in the dating cycle. Clearly defining your happiness is important before you can ever make anyone else happy. Other factors include limiting your pool too narrow by way of your criteria being too complicated or hard to obtain.