Episode 66: Blade 3 (Second Chance September)

The Show Must Go On show

Summary: We're back, and this week we're fixing a great wrong put on this world by pitching our very own Blade 3! Find out how running after Dracula isn't very exciting, how you can never trust the US government, and how fun it would be for vampires to try and plan an international flight. All this, and more, as The Show Must Go On presents... Blade 3! Vote now for which sequel you want to see: https://linkto.run/p/6GWCL8O1 Check out our new website: www.thekubrickian.com/showgopodcast Facebook: www.facebook.com/showgopodcast Twitter: www.twitter.com/showgopodcast Email: showgopodcast@gmail.com Opening music composed and performed by Kyle Melsness Produced and edited by Jon Hill