GraphicAudio - All in Your Mind show

Summary: To commemorate our 15 Year Anniversary, we decided to celebrate with a special All In Your Mind Podcast we are fondly dubbing GraphicAudioThon 15 Years. The podcasts feature short interviews with 15 people from our cast and crew along with Hosts Richard Rohan and Duane Beeman. Find out what some of our team’s favorite titles were and listen to big samples from the books too. The GraphicAudioThon also includes a special round table discussion with some of the OG’s that have been here from GraphicAudio's launch in October of 2004. Rose Supan: Dante Valentine 1: Working For The Devil (1 of 2) Disc 1 Ken Jackson: Nekropolis 1: Meet Matt Richter. Private Eye. Zombie Disc 3 Nathanial Perry: Alcatraz 4: Alcatraz Versus The Shattered Lens Disc 3 Colleen Delany: The Sacred Throne 1: The Armored Saint Disc 3 Scott McCormick: Sir Apropos of Nothing 1 (1 of 2) Disc 3