From Parent to Peer

Reaching Your World with Luis Palau show

Summary: As children grow into adults the relationship with their parents changes. Proverbs 22:6 in the Bible says, “Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.” When children are older they still can use the wisdom and advice of the parents but not in the same way as when they were young. They should have learned from the parents when they were younger how they should live. So as they grow, how do we relate to one another when parents no longer need to protect and provide for the children and the children no longer just obey and submit to their parents? We focus on the friendship. We can learn from our children as they mature and gain wisdom. We begin to understand and appreciate our parents and serve them the way they served us as we grew up. We become respected peers. Having healthy relationships between parents and children is important as we reach the world around us. They can serve as a testimony to God’s original design for families that our enemy has tried to pervert in many ways. Learning to become friends with our parents and with our children is key as we and they grow in age, experience, and wisdom. This is Luis Palau