PVP#73 Chet Nagle

Empact Radio show

Summary:   Chet Nagle is a Naval Academy graduate, a Georgetown Law School graduate, and a Cold War carrier pilot who flew in the Cuban Missile Crisis. After a stint as a Navy research and development project officer, he joined International Security Affairs (ISA) as a Pentagon civilian involved in defense and intelligence work. Afterwards, he lived abroad for 12 years as director of Aeromaritime, Inc and an agent for the CIA, working in Iran, Oman, and many other countries.   Along the way, he was founding publisher of a popular geo-political magazine, The Journal of Defense & Diplomacy, with 26,000 readers in over 20 countries. At the end of government work in the Middle East, he was awarded the Order of Oman for his role in Oman's victory in a guerilla war fomented by communist Yemen. Nagle's first book, Iran Covenant, is a fact-based novel about Iran's nuclear weapons program and the use of EMP to end it. His second novel, recently published, is The Woolsorter's Plague. It describes an attack on Washington, DC, by terrorists using a biological weapon made in Iran. He has appeared often on radio (including the Monica Crowley Fox News show) and television (including the Stakelbeck on Terror show on CBN). He also appeared in Iranium, a documentary film about Iran's nuclear weapons program. Nagle is a contributing editor for Family Security Matters, and writes for Tucker Carlson's Daily Caller.