PVP#84 Marjory Wildcraft

Empact Radio show

Summary:   Marjory Wildcraft is a nationally recognized expert in organic backyard food production. She is the creator of a widely acclaimed video tutorial titled "Grow Your Own Groceries". Marjory teaches people with no gardening or agricultural experience how to successfully grow healthy, vibrant, life-giving nutritious food.   Marjory will be joining Dr. Pry to talk about ways that individuals and households can including growing their own groceries into their preparedness plans, including: •Why food prices will continue to rise for the foreseeable future •The most critical aspects for successful food production •How much land and water does it take to be completely food self-reliant? •Livestock, both large and small (and why you won't be eating much chicken) •Predator protection •Advice for those in apartments or suburban situations   Marjory's videos are endorsed and carried by such notables as The Permaculture Activist, Acre’s USA, the Transition Town Movement, The Organic Consumers Association, Alex Jones, and The Weston-Price Nutrition Foundation. She has been featured as a guest on over 100 radio and television shows.   Marjory's website is www.GrowYourOwnGroceries.com.