Episode #90 Chuck Manto

Empact Radio show

Summary:   Our guest for episode #90 is Chuck Manto, who joins EMPact Radio for his second guest appearance. Chuck Manto will join us to discuss the newly established Infragard Special Interest Group (SIG) on EMP.   Mr. Manto is the head of the new SIG which will focus on threats that could cause nationwide long-term critical infrastructure collapse. “Named the EMP SIG, after electromagnetic pulse, the SIG will cover all similarly dangerous hazards such as extreme space weather, coordinated physical attack, cyber attack or pandemics”.     Among other topics to be discussed will be the Maryland partnership for energy storage, and community reliance/making of EMP protected power. Mr. Manto will also discuss Maryland preparedness activity that resulted from the recent NDU Exercises including next steps and follow ups for the local Emergency Management Agency and fire chiefs.