Episode 36: True or False // If You Love What You Do Then It Shouldn't Be Work

A Space for Sōl show

Summary: <p>Answer…BIG FAT FALSE! Anyone who tells you it isn’t, then #byefelicia. Seriously. We’re passionate about this one and are chatting about it on the podcast today.</p> <p>Here’s the thing, it won't be "work" like doing a day job you hate feels like but BELIEVE US it is work! It will be hard. It will be tiring, invigorating and so many things all in one. It will be worth it. </p> <p>If you don’t agree with us that’s ok, but we’re pretty sold on this one as we’re pulling late nights, early mornings, weekend work to balance chasing our dreams to fulfill our personal passions with Sōlspace all while working our day jobs and being present mothers. It’s a sacrifice and fulfilling at the same time.</p> <p><strong>Share what you think by leaving us a review or connecting on Insta </strong><a href="https://www.instagram.com/solspace.co/"><strong>@solspace.co</strong></a><strong>.</strong></p>