119 The Hong Kong Protests - IC’s Erika Bachner and her friend Carmen from HK

Indivisible Chicago Podcast show

Summary: LISTEN, SUBSCRIBE, AND RATE Every week, Indivisible Chicago Podcast host Tom Moss talks to politicians, newsmakers, academics and activists about resisting the Trump agenda. The ICP is also a great way to keep up with what’s happening in Indivisible Chicago. Subscribe wherever you get your podcasts or listen online at IndivisibleChicago.com/podcast. Take a minute to rate us on iTunes. It helps us get the word out about the ICP. https://apple.co/2oR4UlH INDIVISIBLE CHICAGO PODCAST SHOW NOTES AND ACTIONS FOR MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 2019 If fear is what drives the wave of anti-democratic populism around the world, the only counter is the kind of courage we see among the protesters on the streets of Hong Kong. Erika Bachner, co-lead of Indivisible Oak Park Area and River Forest Village Trustee, introduces Tom to her friend Carmen, who joins the podcast from Hong Kong for a first hand account of the protests. Take acton: call Senators and Reps and ask them to support the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act of 2019 - http://bit.ly/31h8TJO. Learn more at freedomhkg.net.