DailyRootz! 05/31/12 Sponsored By Swappa! - May 31,2012

Rootz|Live! | Blog Talk Radio Feed show

Summary: Are you a MIUI fan? Been aching for some MIUI love on your Transformer Prime? Well, the wait is over! For more info and to get the ROM, check out the Transformer forums over at RootzWiki.com Team Nocturnal has released Nocturnal Stock 1.88.707.2 - a very nice odex/deodex rom for your HTC One X. To get details on the ROM and the instructions on how to flash, head over to the One X development forums on RootzWiki! http://goo.gl/iMnY5 There was a lot of concern about a recent update to Google Wallet asking for SuperUser permissions. We reached out to the Google Wallet team to ask for some clarification! Be sure to head over to RootzWiki.com and add to the conversation. Thanks to pimpmaster fantastic Mikey Lewis for the story! http://goo.gl/BduiO Jeff McIntire, one of our staff writers at RootzWiki recently put together an article about tiered data plans and the trend of moving all of our data to the cloud. Read the entire article, including speculation by Jeff McIntire over at RootzWiki.com http://goo.gl/lE59h We've stopped taking submissions for the RootzWiki and CruzerLite case design contest... all of the submissions are up on our Google Plus page in a gallery. Voting is simple... go plus one the designs that you like. Voting ends tonight, so be sure to get your vote in now! http://goo.gl/uJ5GC Thanks to Swappa for sponsoring today's podcast, check them out at www.swappa.com for the very best way to buy or sell gently used Android devices.