#147: The Glory and Groaning of God

Saving Grace show

Summary: (Guest: Dr. Dave Anderson) “Does God really care about us? Is He really good? Is He great enough to solve our problems?” We are graced yet again with the presence of Dr. Dave Anderson, Founder and President of Grace School of Theology, who have also said, “… if God permits trials as I grow up in faith, He will also provide the consoling truth that can sustain my hope through undeserved suffering.”<br> Join us as we talk about this consoling truth from God when the storms of life swallows us causing our faith to be tested. Dr. Dave Anderson, who has authored numerous books, including Triumph through Trials, Maximum Joy, Bewitched, and Portraits of Righteousness, among others, will walk us through this truth that will sustain us.<br> Questions:<br><br> We look forward to interacting with you and the opportunity to address your questions on the podcast. <a href="mailto:savinggrace@gsot.edu">Email your questions</a> to savinggrace[at]gsot.edu.<br> Stay Connected:<br><br> You can also reach out to us on <a href="https://twitter.com/savinggracecast">Twitter @savinggracecast</a> and like <a href="https://www.facebook.com/graceschooloftheology/">Grace School of Theology’s Facebook page</a>. These are great ways to stay up to date with news related to the podcast.<br>