How To Build Amazing Autonomous Teams And Build Turn Key Cash Flow Business- Feat. Rinay And Shahzad

The Fighting Entrepreneur show

Summary: This episode is special to me because these guys blew me away with their character.<br><br>A few episodes back... <br><br>I told a story of how I generated $212,000 in 2 weeks from an event.<br><br>Well, I've finally invited the guys who created this event to the podcast. My relationship with Rinay &amp; Shahzad started when they attended our Mastermind earlier this year.<br><br>One thing lead to the next and we hit it off from there. <br><br>That’s when they invited me to speak at an event they planned on creating.<br><br>The funny thing is, I decided to stop speaking at other people’s events and I hadn’t done one since in a few years…<br><br>But for some reason, I couldn’t say no to them.<br><br>Today, I decided to bring them on the podcast to talk about how we were able to make this event a success. As well as their amazing business model. <br><br>In this episode, we discuss:<br><br>- The crazy story of how to were able to fill up the event with 206 people with NO ads.<br>- Why having a live event can work wonders for your business<br>- How to create an autonomous multi-million business by building a team of quality individuals. <br>- How they’ve built a successful Real Estate business