117 Congressman Chuy Garcia

Indivisible Chicago Podcast show

Summary: LISTEN, SUBSCRIBE, AND RATE Every week, Indivisible Chicago Podcast host Tom Moss talks to politicians, newsmakers, academics and activists about resisting the Trump agenda. The ICP is also a great way to keep up with what’s happening in Indivisible Chicago. Subscribe wherever you get your podcasts or listen online at IndivisibleChicago.com/podcast. Take a minute to rate us on iTunes. It helps us get the word out about the ICP. https://apple.co/2oR4UlH INDIVISIBLE CHICAGO PODCAST SHOW NOTES AND ACTIONS FOR MONDAY, AUGUST 26, 2019 Opening: What do Hong Kong, Kashmir, El Paso and the someday-state of New South Illinois have in common? Tom thinks about borders and ambiguity after reading Joshua Keating’s Slate article, "The Grim Worldview Behind Trump’s Anti-Immigrant Push, the Hong Kong Protests, and the Kashmir Crisis." Find it here http://bit.ly/31ZHJHy. Segment: This week, a conversation about the current president’s cruel immigration policy, the horror of gun violence, and how the two collided tragically recently in El Paso, a town that holds special meaning to this week’s guest, Congressman Chuy Garcia. Tom and the Congressman talk about immigration, sensible gun policy, how the honeymoon may be over for Mayor Lightfoot, the state of the 2020 presidential race, and more.