Mastering Self-Regulation for Optimal Decision Making with Dr. Richard Hart

The Elite HRV Podcast: Heart Rate Variability, Biohacking Health & Performance, Quantified Self show

Summary: Dr. Hart has spent a lifetime in Performance from national champion in freestyle wrestling and representing Canada Internationally to becoming an Oncologic Surgeon. Following General Surgical Residency and fellowship training in Hepatic Transplantation and Hepatobiliary/Pancreatic Surgical Oncology he was recruited to St. Joseph's Health Centre, Toronto to develop and build this specialized surgical program. Within nine years the service was awarded the HPB "Centre of Excellence" by Cancer Care Ontario (CCO) having become the third busiest program in the province with the lowest Operative Morbidity and Mortality rates, all as a single surgeon. He is passionate about teaching the principals and science associated with mastery and excellence, believing "the DNA for developing Elite Performance is a constant regardless of the domain". For this reason, he has developed NextGen Surgery™ - the Science of Elite Performance -- an innovative, cutting-edge platform and scientifically based approach to "Mind-Body Training". It layers neurofeedback, biofeedback, learned self-regulation and advanced performance psychology to create the Mind-Body Awareness essential in developing Optimum Performance and Stress Resiliency. This platform can be applied to any domain where peak performance under pressure matters. It is his vision to transform how physicians and surgeons - elite performers who populate the world of health care - are trained for the cognitive, emotional and physical skills required to deliver Optimum Performance when it truly matters most, when human life is on the line. --Topics listed below. The NEW CorSense HRV sensor: Leave a quick review for the podcast: (Thanks in advance!) Learn about Heart Rate Variability at The Elite Academy: TOPICS: 1:00 Intro and Dr Hart’s unique background 4:00 The importance of mental preparation in elite wrestling 5:45 When technical mastery is not enough and self-regulation is key 8:40 The 4 critical requisites for elite performance in any domain 11:00 The top-down and bottom-up approaches to neural biofeedback 15:10 How these techniques apply to non-athletes and performers at any level 22:00 Breathing patterns and techniques for different situations 27:30 The importance of “training” and practicing daily 30:15 Self awareness and its role 37:30 The performer falls into a “trap of achievement” instead of fulfillment 39:00 How chasing external validation (“achievement”) causes burnout 45:30 Creating habits: it takes 66 days to create the requisite neural network 49:00 Creating habits is like starting a flywheel 51:15 One lesson to take away from this conversation 54:15 Wrapup Guest: Dr. Richard Hart Host: Jason Moore Show notes: Leave a quick review for the podcast: (Thanks in advance!) Learn about Heart Rate Variability at The Elite Academy: The NEW CorSense HRV sensor: --