The Pyrenees Traverse with Hanny Allston - 700km running

Find Your Feet Podcast show

Summary: In July 2019 I embarked on a dream to run the French Pyrenees Mountains, predominantly following the GR10 hiking trail from Hendaye on the Atlantic coastline of France to Banyuls-sur-Mer on the Mediterranean Sea. This is a conversation of how I overcame injury, setbacks and the occasional doubts to run 700km through the mountains of France. It is how I leant on both my closest relationships but also my own strength mastered through years of pursuing my athleticism to the very highest levels, as well as more recent 'deep inner work', to find absolute confidence in my ability to complete this expedition. This conversation is a ramble with myself for my listeners in the hope that it will help you to also play wilder and listen to when your toes are tingling. Topics covered in this podcast: - The importance of self- discovery, -empowerment and -acceptance - When you know the goal is the right goal for you - The transitions that occurred during the 19-day adventure - Overcoming guilt - How to turn spontaneous and impromptu into a strength - Leaning into the challenge and anxieties associated with it - How it has challenged and strengthened me as an individual - Using injury to shed new light on our growth potential You can read the full transcript of this episode on my website -