Eric Floberg - The Importance of Intentionality

This Conversation with Jed Taufer show

Summary: Ok, so this interview comes with a prerequisite. Or at least a very strong suggestion. Go to e r i c f l o b e r g .com - and watch the Tyler and Elle video before you listen to this podcast. Then, of course, come right back. We’ll still be here. Alright, so, first off. Good job doing that. Amazing, wasn’t it? Now, you’re ready to hear what’s coming from Eric Floberg. He’s in the process of building his business and his brand. He’s doing it one step at a time. He’s doing it with intentionality. He’s making things happen with hard work and he’s not doing it alone. Listen, laugh, learn, and then get to work. And seriously, if you haven’t watched the Tyler and Elle video at yet, do that first.