#042: Make Sales A Conversation With Mary Grothe

Sales Secrets show

Summary: Mary Grothe is the CEO of Sales BQ® (now 10 team members strong). Their one driving goal is to help CEOs avoid losing what many CEOs lost on bad sales hires; over $1M as a result of no sales infrastructure, bad hires, and lack of time to manage. In 2018, the SBQ team helped over 30 companies reach new levels of profitability. Mary first got started in sales at age 22 with a Fortune 1000 Payroll/HR company at just $13/hour in an admin role, but quickly acquired the skills and training required to advance into mid-market SaaS sales. She rapidly found success by listening to her clients and always solving their needs; putting their agenda before hers. Even when her sales approach was the direct inverse of corporate, she knew in her heart what was right, and she did the job with integrity and grit - driving results for both Mary and her clients. On this episode of Sales Secrets From The Top 1%, Mary explains her top secrets to sales success and how to start implementing them in your career immediately!