Untold Talks of Spider-Man Episode 10: Web of Spider-Man #8-9 “Local Superhero!” & “The Twilight Heroes”

Untold Talks of Spider-Man show

Summary: Your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man finds himself in the rural countryside of Pennsylvania looking into rumors about a hero named the Smithville Thunderbolt!<br> Join hosts Cain Winstead and Matthew Deragisch as they dive though the untouched corners and forgotten stories of the Spider-Man library on a hunt for lost gems and what it truly means to be a Spider-Man story.<br> In this episode of Untold Talks of Spider-Man Cain and Matt welcome Brian Jacob from the Ultimate Spin podcast on as a guest as they discuss WEB OF SPIDER-MAN #8-9 “LOCAL SUPERHERO!” &amp; “THE TWILIGHT HEROES”.  Tune in to hear the discussion on this truly off-the-wall, unique Spider-Man story that strips almost everything familiar from the character’s surroundings. Web of Spider-Man might have been the third-tier Spider-Man title, but can you still have Spider-Man outside of New York with entirely new (and never again used!) characters? You’ve gotta listen for the answer to this and more!<br> If you’re looking for a in depth look at mainstream Amazing Spider-Man stories, check out our parent podcast, AMAZING SPIDER-TALK.<br> <a href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/amazing-spider-talk-a-spider-man-podcast/id867199020" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Click here to subscribe to AMAZING SPIDER-TALK</a><br> If you want to hear more from Brian, specifically his thoughts and opinions on Miles Morales and Spider-Gwen, check out THE ULTIMATE SPIN.<br> <a href="http://ultimatespinpodcast.com/">Click here to check out the ULTIMATE SPIN</a><br> This week’s Patreon Exclusive episode is a review of Amazing Spider-Man #801 from the Amazing Spider-Talk team, as well as the May B-Title Round Up from the Untold Talks of Spider-Man team. If you’d like to become a patron, please visit:<br> <a href="https://www.patreon.com/superiorspidertalk">Amazing Spider-Talk Patreon Page</a><br> Want to join in on the conversation? Join the AMAZING SPIDER-SLACK community board!<br> <a href="https://join.slack.com/t/amazingspider/shared_invite/enQtMzE5NjExNDkyMjkwLTYzNDhkNTMwNWRlOWM4ZDk5NTY3ZjExOGI3ZjM2NTI5M2Q3YzFkMjc1MTY5NDU5NmUzNzI5MmU0NGIzNDhkNWQ">Join the Amazing Spider-Slack</a><br> You can email the show at <a href="mailto:untoldtalksofspiderman@gmail.com">untoldtalksofspiderman@gmail.com</a> or contact us on our Twitter handle <a href="https://twitter.com/UntoldTalksSpmn">@UntoldTalksSPMN</a><br> You can subscribe to our channel on <a href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/untold-talks-of-spider-man/id1355985581">iTunes</a>, <a href="https://play.google.com/music/m/I2nsu6zwf2u2hxkz4aq7qhzuwle?t=Untold_Talks_of_Spider-Man">Google Play Music</a>, <a href="https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/amazing-spidertalk-a-spiderman-podcast/untold-talks-of-spiderman">Stitcher</a> or on our <a href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/untold-talks-of-spider-man/id1355985581">RSS feed</a>.<br> If you want to check out the band behind our awesome theme song, you can check out <a href="https://theelliebadge.bandcamp.com/">The Ellie Badge on Bandcamp</a>, <a href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/artist/the-ellie-badge/964208560">iTunes</a>, or <a href="https://open.spotify.com/artist/7JM0LsvVXUjGteHjOl5Wrr">Spotify</a>.<br>