Effective Goal Setting for Greater Results

The Accountability Coach: Business Acceleration|Productivity show

Summary: Without execution, visions will remain just that - visions or dreams. Establishing goals and writing them down in ink sets the wheels in motion to creating your ideal life. Another powerful component of goal setting relates to how you will feel once you have attained each of your goals. This adds the emotional element that helps inspire you even more. Picturing how you’ll feel after achieving your goals is like an emotional magnet that pulls you to do what you need to do so you can experience goal achievement. In theory, working toward your goals is not complicated. Most days, most of the things you do should move you toward your goals. People absolutely must be motivated to work toward their goals. Motivation is the spark that lights the fire necessary for action. Without motivation, a goal is simply words on paper. Your goals can be anything you wish – there are no limits. In fact, it is better if you stretch your visions beyond what you believe is possible. The reason is because you are probably capable of so much more than you currently believe. The mind has the ability to be our best friend or our worst enemy. As our best friend, it serves our limitless visionary, but as our worst enemy it serves as our limited perception. The only limits that exist are the ones set by your perceptions. Think big and aim high! Steven Jobs said: “If you are working on something exciting that you really care about, you don’t have to be pushed. The vision pulls you.”