#73: Live from Fargo with Isaiah Martínez

RUDIS Wrestling Podcast show

Summary: Training with Team USA This special episode, Ben Askren and Matt Dernlan are joined by Isaiah Martínez in Fargo at Junior Nationals as they talk Yasar Dogu, Dake vs Dieringer, and share wrestling stories from their past. Dernlan begins by asking Martínez what he’s been up to since his matches with Jordan Burroughs at Final X. Martínez has been helping the world team training and Askren talks about how different the process is since his time wrestling internationally. Martínez also gives some insight into what training camp is like and the importance of team comradery with everyone focused on a universal goal. Alex Dieringer vs Kyle Dake (14:50) Martínez is asked about his thoughts on the Alex Dieringer vs Kyle Dake Controversy. Imar doesn’t get into the politics of whether or not Dake should be allowed to push the match back yet at the same time compete internationally. He does say he believes if Dake is not at 100% he will have a really hard time and most likely not be able to beat Dieringer. If Dake isn’t ready to go fully Martínez gives the edge to Dieringer. Martínez doesn’t see the severity in the fact that by delaying the process both Dake and Dieringer lose the time to prepare for the international opponents. Jumping Levels (25:17) For Martínez balancing a college wrestling season and classes was a major distractor for his progress in freestyle. Now that his sole focus is on freestyle he feels he had the opportunity to really grow into his own and it has shown. He has dialed in his sleep and nutrition but also focuses on technical positions and details. Yianni Diakomihalis vs Zain Retherford (30:52) Askren asks Martínez his thoughts on the Yianni Diakomihalis vs Zain Retherford topic. He loves the drama/attention and the high-level wrestling these two are bringing to the sport. Weight Cutting (40:13) Martínez, Askren, and Dernlan share their worst/most memorable weight cutting stories.