FuFWD: The Future of Video / #0055

Future Forward show

Summary: Today: Video Is Eating the Web. Really. Netflix is 15% of all Internet Traffic. And as YouTube’s 14th Birthday approaches, it’s feeling growing pains. Today - FutureForward unpacks Video. I’m Gene DeRose and I’m Steve Rosenbaum… let’s Launch. Rundown: Netflix Eats Up 15% of All Internet Downstream Traffic Worldwide (Study) https://variety.com/2018/digital/news/netflix-15-percent-internet-bandwidth-worldwide-study-1202963207/ YouTube? The Power and Peril of The Video Network: How YouTube’s Year-in-Review ‘Rewind’ Video Set Off a Civil War https://www.nytimes.com/2018/12/13/technology/youtube-rewind-video.html SR YouTube removed 58 million videos between July and September this year because they broke community guidelines. More than 7.8 million of those videos were taken down because they violated community guidelines. The other 50.2 million were taken down as YouTube removed 1.67 million channels. YouTube removed 58 million videos in the latest quarter https://thehill.com/policy/technology/421106-youtube-removed-78-million-videos-in-latest-quarter Popular YouTube Streamer Promotes Channel That Publishes Anti-Semitic Content http://fortune.com/2018/12/11/pewdiepie-esemicolonr-controversy/ PewDiePie’s ties to white supremacy spell serious trouble for the future of YouTube https://www.vox.com/2018/12/13/18136253/pewdiepie-vs-tseries-links-to-white-supremacist-alt-right-redpill Video Future: OTT vs. Cable? Number of Streaming Shows Overtakes Basic Cable, Broadcast for First Time, FX Reports https://variety.com/2018/tv/news/number-of-streaming-shows-basic-cable-broadcast-fx-report-1203089218/ Nielsen’s Q2 Audience Benchmark Shows How Connected Devices Are Reshaping Media https://adexchanger.com/data-exchanges/nielsens-q2-audience-benchmark-shows-how-connected-devices-are-reshaping-media/ Television is still the most dominant media, but more young adults are connecting via internet https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/media/2018/12/12/cutting-cord-2018-tv-dominates-but-younger-users-connect-via-web/2276207002/ Video Trends that don’t look like TV TikTok, a Chinese Video App, Brings Fun Back to Social Media https://www.nytimes.com/2018/12/03/technology/tiktok-a-chinese-video-app-brings-fun-back-to-social-media.html Facebook Expands ‘Watch Party’ Video Co-Viewing to Users and Pages Worldwide https://variety.com/2018/digital/news/facebook-watch-party-social-video-pages-1203037244/ Vyng Hits $7 Million After Series A Funding, To Upgrade Generic Ringtones With Viral Videos https://www.forbes.com/sites/samarmarwan/2018/12/13/vyng-hits-11-million-after-series-a-funding-to-upgrade-generic-ringtones-with-viral-videos/