Living with purpose, passion, and potential with Scot Ferrell (MLP032)

Mitchell Levy Presents AHA Moments show

Summary: Named by Forbes as the “go-to family and business strategist,” Scot Ferrell focuses on helping individuals discover their skill sets, whether for business or personal reasons. He implies that it is vital to know what we really want out of life because it’s such a simple yet helpful step toward knowing our purpose and achieving our potential. What sets Scot apart is his “no-nonsense” straight talk delivery that focuses on achieving results. National media outlets have deemed him “America's Behavior Expert,” in recognition of his strategies that provide solutions for emotionally-charged business and family environments. He creates and delivers captivating speeches and bestselling books which clearly reveal the solutions you need in your life or business to achieve the results you want, regardless of how dire or desperate your situation. Connect to Scot Ferrell on LinkedIn: or email him via Natalie Forest, America’s Leading Expert in Personal Performance, is the Founder of Success Revolutions and Revolutionize Your Potential, a series of educational trainings for individuals and corporations across the globe. Natalie engages leaders, corporate teams, and entrepreneurs to identify consistencies for their success. Her engaging methods and techniques address Human Capital, Leadership, Diversity, and Change Management in business and personal situations leading to increases productivity, teamwork, retention, resulting in higher profitability, authentic fulfillment, and less stress. Connect to Natalie on LinkedIn: or send her an email at Mitchell Levy is the Global Credibility Expert at AHAthat, the first APA leadership (Thought Leadership) platform on the market for thought leaders, experts and companies to unleash their genius to the world. His passion is helping entrepreneurs, business owners and C-Suite Executives get known as thought leaders & become best-selling authors with the AHA platform. He is an accomplished entrepreneur who has created 20 businesses in Silicon Valley including four publishing companies that have published over 800 books. Mitchell is an international best selling author with 60 business books, has provided strategic consulting to over 100 companies, has advised over 500 CEOs on critical business issues, and has been chairman of the board of a NASDAQ-listed company. where you can also find a link to book a strategy call. Visit for an archive of all the podcast episodes. Connect to Mitchell Levy on: LinkedIn: Facebook: Twitter: Google+: Pinterest: Instagram: AHAthat: Speaking site: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit