Daniel & Alicia Edge from CompEAT Nutrition

Welcome to Day One show

Summary: Today you're going to hear the story of Alicia, Daniel and CompEAT Nutrition. The concept of CompEAT first planted itself in Daniel & Alicia's mind in 2016. Since then they've bootstrapped it themselves for quite some time and invested a lot of themselves into bringing this amazing company into existence, they eventually went through the ICON Slingshot program at the Newcastle University's Integrated Innovation Network and all while raising a young family. Daniel & Alicia are trying to fix a real problem and it's a two-sided problem. CompEAT Nutrition are well on their way to solving the problem with their first product to market. 300 active users and they've been very successful in the last 12 months in proving their assumptions around scalability. We'll cover all of that and more, but for now, let's go back to day one where this story begins... https://welcometodayone.com/compeat