Special Episode- Trump, Barr and the Mueller Report... Oh Boy!!!!!

Just Thinking with Stan Wanglund show

Summary: Join Stan for a really interesting spin on today’s events and release of the Mueller Report!<br>Listen to how we can use this, no matter what our beliefs are, to have a better Congress, Presidency and country.<br>It’s really pretty easy.<br><br><br>mueller #trump #muellertime #resist #notmypresident #impeachtrump #donaldtrump #fucktrump #dumptrump #maga #russia #collusion #impeach #politics #muellerinvestigation #lockhimup #theresistance #republican #treason #trumprussia #witchhunt #fbi #rogerstone #whitehouse #bluewave #trumpsucks #trumpisajoke #antitrump #trumpmeme #bhfyp