Jian Liang Low - Trabble, Personal chat-based concierge for travelers | Pitchdeck Asia

Pitchdeck Asia show

Summary: Trabble provides a Guest Engagement SAAS platform as a solution for the travel industry. We also act as a personalised chat-based concierge service to their guest; to answer their travellers’ questions in real-time, provide travel services and recommend activities or places to experience during their trip. We automate Guest Enquiries, Reservations and Services, to increase operational efficiency, revenue channels and guest satisfaction. Integrating levels of chatbot, Machine Learning and AI, to better help travellers leverage on local knowledge, resources and services, presented to them in the format that best suits them. *Note: If you are a Startup and want to tell your startup story on our Pitchdeck Asia show, Click here - http://www.pitchdeck.asia/pda-soundcloud*