Alan Baxter - Award Winning Author and MMA Trainer

The Deadman Horror Show show

Summary: If you wish to donate to us, use the links below<br><br>Streamlabs donation (your donation will appear on the stream)<br><a href="" rel="noopener"></a><br><br>PayPal<br><a href="" rel="noopener"></a>.<br><br>Deadman's Tome Podcast - Alan Baxter<br><br>Alan Baxter- <br>Alan Baxter is a multi-award-winning British-Australian author who writes supernatural thrillers and urban horror, rides a motorcycle and loves his dogs. He also teaches Kung Fu. He lives among dairy paddocks on the beautiful south coast of NSW, Australia, with his wife, son, dogs and a cranky old cat. He is the author of the dark supernatural thriller trilogy, Bound, Obsidian and Abduction (The Alex Caine Series), and the dark supernatural duology, RealmShift and MageSign (The Balance 1 and 2). His latest books are the horror noir novel, Hidden City and the cosmic horror novella, The Book Club. As well as novels, Alan has had more than 70 short fiction publications in journals and anthologies in Australia, the US, the UK and France. His short fiction has appeared in The Magazine of Fantasy &amp; Science Fiction, Beneath Ceaseless Skies, Daily Science Fiction, Postscripts, and Midnight Echo, among many others, and more than twenty anthologies, including the Year's Best Australian Fantasy &amp; Horror on several occasions. His award-winning first collected volume of short fiction, Crow Shine, is out now. At times, Alan collaborates with US action/adventure bestselling author, David Wood. Together they have co-authored the horror novella, Dark Rite, action thrillers in The Jake Crowley Adventures, Blood Codex and Anubis Key, and the giant monster thriller novel, Primordial. Alan has been a five-time finalist in the Aurealis Awards, a five-time finalist in the Australian Shadows Awards and a six-time finalist in the Ditmar Awards. He won the 2015 Australian Shadows Award for Best Short Story ("Shadows of the Lonely Dead"), the 2016 Australian Shadows Paul Haines Award For Long Fiction ("In Vaulted Halls Entombed"), and the 2017 Australian Shadows Award for Best Collection (Crow Shine), and is a past winner of the AHWA Short Story Competition ("It's Always the Children Who Suffer"). Read extracts from his novels, a novella and short stories at his website - <a href="" rel="noopener"></a> - or find him on Twitter @AlanBaxter and Facebook, and feel free to tell him what you think. About anything.<br><br><br>*******<br>Deadman's Tome podcast is a variety show covers everything from horror writing, horror movies, filmmaking, youtube drama, and fringe communities. While the show has a comedic bent to it, some many heartfelt moments have been explored on the program. #horror #writing <br><br>Live stream every monday, wednesday, and friday at 9:30pm