Teacher Stories | Elise (Part 1)

Teacher Wellbeing show

Summary: In this episode we hear another teacher story, this time from Elise. Elise tells us about some serious health challenges she's faced, including a really important message for teachers about vocal care. We cover so many great points and it was such a good conversation that it actually went for nearly an hour, so I've split it into 2 parts. This episode, part 1, focuses on workplace stuff, the wellbeing challenges and the impact a leadership team that is proactively supportive of staff wellbeing has been. In Part 2 we focus on the more personal wellbeing side of things, and Elise shares some great tips there too, so stay tuned for that next week. Throughout both of these episodes, Elise mentions Katrina Bourke from Katrina Bourke Coaching, who is a friend and supporter of this podcast and has been a wonderful sponsor for a couple of seasons now. I do want to say, though, that this is NOT a sponsored episode, Katrina is not paying me to or Elise to say any of this. This is just a very real and honest testimonial for the power of coaching, and of course for Katrina's wonderful work both with individuals and with school staff. If you'd like to work with me there are a number of ways to do that, with individual coaching or group programs, online resources and also some in person workshops. You can find out more and book a discovery call with me at www.selfcareforteachers.com.au/coaching or sign up for all the resources on the Freebies Library, and stay tuned to the SC4T Facebook page for updates, events and resources. As always, remember you are a person first and a teacher second and you are worthy of your own care x