EP 428 – If Only Joseph Had Grammarly

This Week in Mormons show

Summary: <br> [dropcap]F[/dropcap]resh off his interview with none other than Microsoft founder and benefactor of the eponymous foundation, Bill Gates, nice guy and our resident socialist, Devin Thorpe, joins us for another round of exciting Latter-day Saint news!<br> <br> The Church Newsroom does not understand how Disney works, which is shocking for a facility likely populated with Disney devotees. Why is that, you ask? Well, on <a href="http://thisweekinmormons.com/2019/06/episode-427-watch-all-those-rated-r-movies/">last week's show</a> you heard about President Nelson holding a gathering at the appropriately designated Amway Center in Orlando, Florida. However, the <a href="https://newsroom.churchofjesuschrist.org/article/president-nelson-addresses-saints-happiest-place-on-earth" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Newsroom's coverage makes a reference</a> to the Latter-day leader speaking at "The Happiest Place on Earth." What's the problem with the obvious Disney reference, you ask? "The Happiest Place on Earth" refers to Disneyland in California. Disney World has the nickname of "The Most Magical Place on Earth." Get your facts straight, Newsroom! How are you to be trusted when you commit gaffes of this magnitude?<br> <br> Manti, Utah's Mormon Miracle Pageant is winding down <a href="https://www.ksl.com/article/46580160/the-mormon-miracle-pageant-takes-the-stage-one-last-time" target="_blank" rel="noopener">after over 50 years</a> of inspiration and cheap costumes. Why has the Church pulled the plug on its famous pageants? Who's up for a TWiM visit to Hill Cumorah next summer? Manti already has the best temple in the Church that hopefully will retain its charm and peculiarities <a href="http://thisweekinmormons.com/2019/04/president-russell-m-nelson-announces-new-temples-major-renovations-early-utah-temples/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">following a major renovation</a>.<br> <br> Alright, so we know we've spoken at length about the so-called "LDS Millionaire," but this stupid event keeps being stupider, and it shows the worst in us. How is it that 2,500 women have been so reduced and trivialized that they think this is their ticket to love, or at least a fun event? <a href="https://www.ksl.com/article/46576848/2-women-share-their-experience-at-the-lds-millionaire-event" target="_blank" rel="noopener">KSL managed to speak with a few of the attendees</a>, who went into detail without violating their non-disclosure agreements. Nothing groundbreaking here, but honestly, the whole affair is just sad. Also, having a net worth of $1 million, while nothing trivial, is not the incredible milestone it once was. Do you own a house in an expensive market? Boom, you have 70-80% of that goal already covered, and you are no different than your neighbors.<br> <br> You guys! Provo is receiving its first Starbucks! <a href="https://www.sltrib.com/news/2019/06/04/provo-get-its-first-stand" target="_blank" rel="noopener">The Salt Lake Tribune is trying really hard to make it seem like a story worth being a story</a>, but it's not. However, in an era when <a href="http://thisweekinmormons.com/2017/09/byu-opens-doors-sinful-behavior-offers-caffeinated-soda-coke/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">caffeinated soda is now sold on BYU's campus</a>, perhaps those sinful hot drinks are inevitable. What's next? Doing lines in the MARB?<br> <br> Jana Riess <a href="https://religionnews.com/2019/06/18/20-changes-the-new-mormon-president-has-made-to-appeal-to-millennials-and-generation-z/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">made herself a nice link-building listicle</a> about 20 changes made by President Nelson "to appeal" to millennials. Devin sagely advises that the changes happen to appeal to millennials, but likely weren't undertaken specifically to capture the millennial market. Anyway, the list is interest, and it sets us off on a discussion about how these have affected our weekly and daily worship.<br> <br>