Wander, Forage & Wildcraft: Episode #1 - About the Podcast

Wander, Forage, & Wildcraft show

Summary: In this first debut podcast I talk about my purpose for creating this, about how I want you to feel empowered to connect with nature and forage safely and ethically by sharing some of my secret and not-so-secret tips and tricks. I talk about Transition Time, in my own life and all of our lives and how to deal with it gently. There's a little bit about the benefits of goldenrod and how to prepare ourselves with foraging, for natural disasters, like the hurricane that's headed my way, and every day emergencies. Happy Listening and Happy Trails and if you learned something and you appreciate this resource, please support it to keep going at https://www.patreon.com/thewanderschool Links to resources mentioned in this episode: +My upcoming exciting retreat, Retreat & Reconnect: Wild Color, to experience and learn plant identification, foraging, wild food cooking, herbal tea making, and natural plant and mushroom dyeing: http://wildcolor.eventbrite.com/ +My goldenrod blog: http://www.thewanderschool.com/2018/09/the-glory-of-goldenrod.html +The amazing artwork and botanical education of Sigrid Neilsen who created the awesome logo for the podcast: http://sigridneilsen.com/ +Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/wander-forage-wildcraft/id1448929861 +Subscribe to the podcast on Spotifty: https://open.spotify.com/show/0Muwgzmr1ExeSGmoRcI3AG?si=tvdxjAHrTyOpSkyL6K3Wpw +Subscribe to the podcast on Google Play Music: https://play.google.com/music/listen?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI9JGnkeP94gIVh56zCh2CMAMeEAAYASAAEgLE1fD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds#/ps/Ijrg4dgb4ryem3z7qkcxd5vw2ai