Wander, Forage & Wildcraft: Episode #2 - Meet Abby Artemisia

Wander, Forage, & Wildcraft show

Summary: In this episode you hear me, Abby Artemisia, being interviewed by my friend and co-creator of Sassafras School, Becky Beyer of www.bloodandspicebush.com Thanks so much for listening! Here's the notes from the show: United Plant Savers Species-at-Risk List: https://unitedplantsavers.org/species-at-risk-list/ Elder Syrup recipe on The Wander School blog: http://www.thewanderschool.com/home/the-herbal-handbook-for-homesteaders#/ Sorry, the oxymel class already happened. Look for it as an online video class soon! Nancy Basket and all of her awesome kudzu crafts can be found at Kudzu Kabin Designs: http://www.nancybasket.com/ Green Dean's website Eat the Weeds and the list of international foraging instructors: http://www.eattheweeds.com/foraging/foraging-instructors/ The Association of Foragers: http://foragers-association.org.uk/ Abby's new book, "The Herbal Handbook for Homesteaders" can be purchased directly from The Wander School website here: http://www.thewanderschool.com/products.html or on Amazon at http://tinyurl.com/herbal-handbook (If you buy from Amazon, please leave a review so more folks can find the book and receive this great knowledge) Thanks to Tina and Her Pony for the beautiful song "Medicine" heard at the beginning and end of the show! +Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/wander-forage-wildcraft/id1448929861 +Subscribe to the podcast on Spotifty: https://open.spotify.com/show/0Muwgzmr1ExeSGmoRcI3AG?si=tvdxjAHrTyOpSkyL6K3Wpw +Subscribe to the podcast on Google Play Music: https://play.google.com/music/listen?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI9JGnkeP94gIVh56zCh2CMAMeEAAYASAAEgLE1fD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds#/ps/Ijrg4dgb4ryem3z7qkcxd5vw2ai