Wander, Forage & Wildcraft: Episode #3 - Meet Becky Beyer

Wander, Forage, & Wildcraft show

Summary: Meet forager, plant folklorist and Appalachian folk herbalist Becky Beyer of Blood and Spicebush School of Old Craft in this episode of Wander, Forage, & Wildcraft. My partner in Sassafras School of Appalachian Plantcraft and dear friend. We'll explore our favorite plants and more. Some of the cool things we mentioned: Our Herb School: www.sassafras-school.com/ Wild Abundance School: www.wildabundance.net/ No Taste Like Home: www.notastelikehome.org Blood and Spicebush: www.bloodandspicebush.com The Book Braiding Sweetgrass: milkweed.org/book/braiding-sweetgrass Becky's Spicebush Honey Recipe: www.bloodandspicebush.com/blog/spicebu…urnful-heart +Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/wander-forage-wildcraft/id1448929861 +Subscribe to the podcast on Spotifty: https://open.spotify.com/show/0Muwgzmr1ExeSGmoRcI3AG?si=tvdxjAHrTyOpSkyL6K3Wpw +Subscribe to the podcast on Google Play Music: https://play.google.com/music/listen?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI9JGnkeP94gIVh56zCh2CMAMeEAAYASAAEgLE1fD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds#/ps/Ijrg4dgb4ryem3z7qkcxd5vw2ai